The product will be realized in full collaboration and synergy with foreign partners, whose contribution will also be relevant in terms of providing relevant contacts and networks in other countries. In order to facilitate maximum accessibility, the report will be disseminated on the project website and through the communication channels of the partners. The best practices identified will also be disseminated in the framework of transfer seminars for PAs and enterprises
The feasibility study will define in detail the opportunities and methods of implementation of the technology tested in the territories of the partner regions, also identifying the possible funding channels to be used.
The expected result of the treatment aims to be well above European standards and can ensure the Basilicata Region, EGRIB, the managing body of the purification systems and in particular the Municipality of Potenza (which hosts the experimentation) a pioneering experience and an international record in terms of quality and depth of the purification process.
The document will contain very detailed information on the prospects of collaboration between research and enterprises with respect to possible follow-up scenarios, both in terms of participation in further international programs (e.g., Horizon 2020) and from the point of view of industrial scalability of the prototyped technology.
The White Paper will provide policy recommendations to establish the approach to water treatment according to the pioneering model RETREAT, starting, of course, from the pilot experience of the Basilicata Region and the City of Potenza (where the experimentation will take place).